Why Do We Pray If God Already Knows What We Need? with Jana Magruder

For Episode 030...

Jana joins us to talk about prayer, God's sovereignty, and what prayer can do in the world and in our hearts.

You can listen to the Questions Kids Ask episode answering Why Do We Pray If God Already Knows What We Need?  on iTunes, Stitcher, and Google Play, or listen below.


Jana Magruder

Jana is the Director of LifeWay Kids and brings a wealth of experience and passion for kids ministry, ed ucation, and curriculum writing. She an d her husband, Michael, along with their three children reside in Nashville, TN.



Q + As

for kids' hardest questions

These booklets with over 70 Big Picture Questions and Answers help kids and preschoolers systemically learn important doctrines of the Christian faith. It also helps parents and teachers understand the theology of a Christ-centered study of the Bible. The posters feature a preschool side with preschool questions and answers, and a kids side with kids questions and answers.

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