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The End of An Era: 5 Things I Learned From the Heart of Dance Studio

The dance studio that I quite literally grew up in is closing their doors at the end of this dance season. Mrs Vicki and Mrs Jennifer have been a constant in my life since I started dance at the age of three. They have been much more than dance teachers, but mentors and friends. For them, teaching was an opportunity to love kids selflessly and point them to Jesus. After teaching just three classes a week for about a year, I have so much respect for them and the sacrifices that they made as they weren't able to be home with their families most nights and as I'm sure their knees and ankles ached when they finally did get home! I wish you all could have experienced 15+ years in this studio. It has definitely made me who I am today in so many ways!
Here are some pictures of my time with the studio:

I could never write all that I learned from dance in a post, but here's my best shot at a top 5:
5. Success is a long-term commitment. The first twenty times you try a certain leap or combination, will not be anywhere near perfect, but with more and more practice, you are bound to get it. Success is the result of perseverance.
4. Family extends past blood. These girls were not just friends. They were family. When you sweat, fall, and laugh together, it bonds you deeply.
3. True ministry is evidenced by a willingness to drop everything and aid another if necessary.
To this day, I know that if I was in need, Mrs Vicki and Mrs Jenn would do everything they could to help. When sitting on my couch sounds much nicer than serving another, I'm reminded of the example that these women were to me. 
2. Comparison is a deep pit of sinking sand. Mrs Vicki and Mrs Jenn were quick to remind us that we have improved over last week rather than comparing us to the new skill acquired by someone next to us. We cannot see our lives as a competition with others. It will destroy any momentum that we have. Instead, we are in a competition with ourselves to learn and improve every day.
1. Do all for the glory of God alone. You may do well, or you may forget the routine. If your heart is to honor God with what you do, it doesn't matter if it all goes perfectly. I'm so thankful for the example of godly women I had in Mrs Vicki and Mrs Jennifer! I know that this decision was met with lots of prayer and will be a season of faith and growth for them. I'm so thankful that it was such an integral part of my childhood!

May we all leave a legacy as great on the lives of those we encounter!