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Does God Care If We Are Lonely?

For episode 014 of Questions Kids Ask,

Lisa Whittle joins us to talk about if God cares. Does He care if we are lonely? If we are facing hard times? If we are sad? 

You can listen to the Questions Kids Ask episode answering Does God Care If We Are Lonely? on iTunes, Stitcher, and Google Play, or listen below.

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Lisa is the author of 6 books, speaker, founder of Ministry Strong and the 5 Word Prayers Daily Podcast. She has also been a wife for 22 years and is the mother of 3 amazing humans and to one spoiled dog. . She loves The Bible and The Office, and is a feisty work in progress. She would be first to tell you that Jesus is all she knows, but I actually know she knows quite a bit about parenting and pointing kids to Jesus well in our homes.


Big question:
Does God Care If We Are Lonely?

Lisa talks to us about how she tells her children that they are never alone, and if they feel lonely they can run to God who loves them infinitely more than any other person for comfort. Being without parents is so difficult, and we need to be preparing our kids to be adults who rely on Christ and not only on us. Of course, that comes as they grow into adulthood, but it's helpful to remember that we are raising tiny adults. 

Does God care if we are happy?

The culture does often tell us that our happiness is the pinnacle of human experience, but Scripture doesn't tell us this. God rejoices over us and one day all things will be made right. But, as all things are for the purpose of His glory, every moment may not be happy and fun.

Unhappiness and difficulty was not God's design upon creation, but with sin's entry into the world, it is a reality.

Featured Resource

Lisa recently began a daily podcast called 5 Word Prayers Daily by Lisa Whittle. 
It is available anywhere you listen to podcasts. It's just five minutes everyday (Monday-Friday), but just because it is short doesn't mean it is shallow. You'll want to listen in and start your day with some encouragement from God's Word. 

How Do You Cultivate a Love for God's Word?

Use God's Word powerfully to encourage and instruct but never as a weapon. Lisa tells us a story about a really difficult Bible class that her son was not doing well in. The way the Bible was being presented wasn't helping him love Scripture, and that was really difficult. I don't want Scripture to be a chore for kids, but to be a love; for the Word to be used for the positive and not the negative. We tell our kids over and over again, "If you want to know something, you can learn it in God's Word."

Love it. That's a good word for us to remember. We can absolutely run to God's Word in all circumstances.